Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community

“Racism is a public health crisis,” according to a May 2020 statement from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). This means that racism — whether unintentional, unconsciously, or concealed — has affected Black Americans’ access to equal and “culturally competent” health care.

Employees of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent a letter to their director alleging “widespread acts of racism and discrimination within CDC that are, in fact, undermining the agency’s core mission” that may have indirectly contributed to that disparity.

Just as some medical facilities have been overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases, increased anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) — in people who are worried they might catch the virus or have been impacted by the lockdown and social isolation needed to control the pandemic — may, in turn, overwhelm the mental health system.

Racism is also a stressor for mental health problems.

Note: Mental health issues have a strong correlation with addiction. If you or a loved one are battling addiction, we are here for you.

Sunshine Behavioral Health has locations in Texas, Colorado, California and Illinois. We can help you overcome an addiction to alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and more.

How Racism Causes Mental Health Problems

In the U.S. surgeon general’s groundbreaking 2016 report Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health, it states that Black Americans “are over-represented in populations that are particularly at risk for mental illness.”

Why? NAMI, “the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization,” says it’s because Black people in the United States have been affected by racism and racial trauma “repeatedly throughout history.”

That is, racism and racial trauma did not end with the abolition of slavery in 1865, the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the election of the first Black U.S. president in 2008. The protests in 2020 are a sharp reminder of that.

Mental illnesses such as depression and substance use disorder can have a biological component, but they also can be caused or made more likely by external factors. Some are more likely to be experienced by Black individuals, including:

  • Violence
  • Incarceration
  • Involvement in the foster care system

Some other factors are peculiar to the Black Americans’ history, such as:

  • Enslavement
  • Oppression
  • Colonialism
  • Racism
  • Segregation

Encounters with Police

“Black Lives Matter” is viewed as a controversial statement, but it shouldn’t be. It does not mean that only Black lives matter or that other lives don’t matter. It means that Black lives also matter.

The controversy comes from the implication that the speaker thinks, based on the evidence, that not everyone agrees with that sentiment.

Take fatal police shootings. An analysis published by the Washington Post found that, in 2019, 55 unarmed individuals died due to police interaction. Of these 25 people were white and 14 were black.

However, Black people represented only 13.4% of the American population in 2019 (approximately 44 million) — almost one-sixth of the white population’s 76.3% (250 million) — according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

When only males are counted, the rate is even higher, according to a University of Michigan study, with Black men and youths 2.5 times as likely to die as white males.

On the other hand, that might be explained by the number of crimes committed by Black people. Black Americans were more likely to commit violent crimes than white Americans — 52% to 45%. More violent, crime, more violent interaction with the police.

Black people also face higher rates of nonlethal encounters with the police. An analysis of 2015 data by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics found that while police stopped white people more often than Black people, they were more likely to stop a higher percentage of Black people based on their population 9.8% (blacks) vs. 8.6% (whites).

Such police stops, and sometimes multiple stops, may create feelings of ill will towards the police, but the damage can be even more severe for mental well-being.

Feeling oppressed — by law enforcement, by employers, by politicians, by realtors — can lead to physical and mental health problems regardless of whether it is objectively true or is accepted by society at large.

Common Serious Mental Illnesses Among Black People

Among Black Americans with any mental illness, 35.9% or 1.1 million had a serious mental illness (SMI), according to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH): African Americans.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (HHSOMH), Black Americans are 20% more likely to experience serious mental illness (SMI) than the general population. It is important to be informed about statistics of meth use, benzodiazepine abuse statisticscocaine usage statistics, and how they affect Black community.


Experts say Black Americans sometimes talk about their depression in terms of physical aches and pains. If health care providers are not culturally competent about this form of expression, they might not realize this.

More than just the blues, depression is a serious mental illness and mood disorder characterized by extreme sadness and emptiness, a feeling that nothing matters or is worth doing.

Depression can increase the severity and risk of both physical and mental illnesses, according to the 2009 book Say It Loud! I’m Black and I’m Depressed, and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) agrees. “The risk of developing some physical illnesses is higher in people with depression,”  and people with a medical illness or condition are more likely to have depression.

Among these risks are:

  • Cancers of the prostate, colon, and lungs
  • Heart disease or stroke
  • Liver disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Drug abuse
  • Infectious diseases such as hepatitis B or C and HIV/AIDS

Types of depressive disorders include:

  • Major depressive disorder. Also known as clinical depression, this is depression that lasts for at least two weeks.
  • Persistent depressive disorder. Depression lasts for at least two years.
  • Peripartum (or postpartum) depression. Depression lasting more than two weeks following the birth of a child.
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). A particularly debilitating form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) causing deep depression.
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Depression fluctuates with the daylight in the fall and winter
  • Bipolar disorder. Formerly known as manic depression, this is depression that alternates with periods of mania or exuberance.
  • Psychotic depression. Depression accompanied by delusions and hallucinations of a depressive nature.

Anxiety disorders

Anxiety is normal and even helpful. One definition is “a heightened state of readiness” that alerts to and prepares for potential threats.

A diagnosis of anxiety disorder means the individual worries about things far more than is warranted. The worries are so intense that they interfere with the individual’s life and ability to function.

There are many types of anxiety disorders, including:

  • Panic disorder. A sudden fear, as if one is going to die, accompanied by physical symptoms that may resemble a heart attack.
  • Phobias. A fear of some specific thing or situation, such as open or crowded spaces (agoraphobia), heights (acrophobia), or confined spaces (claustrophobia).
  • Separation anxiety disorder. Fear of separation from someone to whom one is close.
  • Social anxiety disorder. Fear of being judged or shunned by others.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder. When many things cause excessive or uncontrollable worry.

According to one study, the lifetime risk for generalized anxiety disorder is 8.6% for white Americans compared to 4.9% of Black Americans. Another study concluded that Black Americans were 20% less at risk for any anxiety disorder in their lifetimes.


Suicide is the act of causing one’s own death deliberately. While it is not a mental illness, it may occur because of mental illness.

For example, depression seems to increase the risk of suicide. As many as 60% of people who commit suicide had depression or bipolar disorder. Also, 7% of men and 1% of women with a lifelong history of depression eventually were found to commit suicide.

Not that one has to be mentally ill to commit suicide. The goal of suicide is not death but to end suffering. Persecution, such as caused by racism, may be enough on its own.

According to the University of Michigan, suicide is the second most common cause of death among young Black men after accidental death (such as from drug overdose and motor vehicle traffic).

Younger persons who kill themselves often have a substance use disorder disorder in addition to being depressed.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Trauma is most commonly associated with returning soldiers experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but besides combat, many things can cause trauma, including:

  • Being in or seeing an automobile accident
  • Rape
  • Domestic abuse
  • Violent crime

While trauma causes biological or physiological changes to the individual, those changes may be passed along to future generations not just culturally or psychologically but genetically, through the DNA, just like physical characteristics.

Experiencing trauma can also cause ongoing problems with relationships and self-esteem.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, Black youth who are exposed to violence are more likely to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Substance Use Disorder

Substance use disorder or substance use disorder (SUD) is a form of mental illness and a physically dependent disease. Both mental illness and SUD are covered under the same “essential health benefits” provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).

SUD is not a sign of weakness of character or a lack of morals. Some people are genetically predisposed to addiction. In those people, substance use is more likely to rewire the brain, hijacking the reward center, causing continued and increasing substance use.

In the 2018 NSDUH: African Americans, the Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that 1.1 million or 3.8% of African Americans over the age of 18 had both mental illness and/or substance use disorder.

The substances most often used and abused by Black Americans are:

Substance use disorder and mental illness often co-occur, one causing or exacerbating the other. When this happens, it’s known as a dual diagnosis, comorbidity, or simply a co-occurring disorder.

Why Don’t More Black People Seek Mental Health Help?

According to the U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, Black Americans are less likely to have their mental health problems addressed than Americans as a whole: about 30% compared to 43%.

While most studies find about the same or less (depending on age) incidence of mental health problems among Black Americans, they are less likely to seek help for it. Only one-third of adult Black Americans who need mental health care receive it.

Reasons include:

  • Systemic racism. One psychotherapist calls it ”post-traumatic slave syndrome” (PTSS). Because slaves weren’t considered human, it was thought they couldn’t experience mental illness. Because of PTSS, descendants who have not directly experienced such discrimination may still feel the effects.
  • Financial considerations. In 2018, one analysis found that 11.5% of Black adult Americans had no health insurance despite the Affordable Care Act. That makes affording mental health services difficult.
  • Faith-based alternatives. In parts of the Black community, the church is more trusted than physicians and maybe with good cause. Black Americans who are members of a church or similar organization do have a lower suicide risk. Unfortunately, priests and ministers aren’t trained to treat or recognize mental illnesses by themselves. Professional help may still be needed.


A big barrier might be that there is still a stigma or shame attached to needing mental health treatment, especially among the Black community, because people may believe that:

  • According to one study, the attitudes of African Americans suggested they are not very open to acknowledging psychological problems, are very concerned about the stigma associated with mental illness, and are somewhat open to seeking mental health services, but they prefer religious coping. Faith communities, despite their good points, can perpetuate or reinforce this attitude.
  • It might reflect poorly on their families and many people still think the therapist’s go-to is to blame problems on their clients’ mothers and fathers.

Removing this stigma — or at least disregarding it — is necessary to get more Black Americans into treatment that can improve their lives.

Among the ways to do this are:

  • Teaching people that the brain is like any other part of the body: sometimes it needs to be examined by a physician.
  • Replacing the idea that mental illness is a weakness with the idea that it takes strength to acknowledge a problem and to try to fix it.
  • Explaining how taking prescribed medication isn’t like drug abuse. Sometimes medications can restore normalcy in conjunction with therapies.

The Importance of Culturally Competent Care

One major way to remove the stigma and racial barriers are to have more Black and culturally diverse physicians and psychotherapists. Not to meet affirmative action quotas, but because their existence improves trust and care.

An African American surgeon is more likely to be aware of and sensitive to concerns that a white surgeon might not be. A 2018 study by Stanford University found that Black men had much better medical results when their doctor was also Black.

For example, a Black woman in North Carolina chose a Black cosmetic surgeon to remove some benign bone growths on her skull because he seemed more concerned about her and her wishes to minimize scarring and hair loss. Due to his familiarity with natural Black hair, he also braided her locs (hair) for easy postoperative care. It was a small thing, but it improved the woman’s surgical experience.

Even when it’s not a matter of life or death, simple cultural sensitivity can help.

Finding Culturally Competent Mental Health Providers

Significant health care hurdles may include the lack of sufficient numbers of Black mental health care professionals, scientific studies specifically of Black people, and treatments tailored to their needs and preferences. Without such culturally competent care, misdiagnoses are more likely.

Unfortunately, a 2018 survey by the Association of American Medical Colleges found that of active doctors in the United States, only 5% identified as Black, as opposed to 56% who identified as white.

Black Mental Health Resources

Here are some free or low-cost sources for mental health treatment of the Black community:

Here are some sources for culturally competent mental health providers:


  • – NAMI’s Statement on Recent Racist Incidents and Mental Health Resources for African Americans
  • – How the stress of racism can harm your health—and what that has to do with Covid-19
  • – What Do Coronavirus Racial Disparities Look Like State by State?
  • – CDC Employees Call Out Agency’s ‘Toxic Culture of Racial Aggressions’
  • – Virus forebodes a mental health crisis
  • – Who We Are
  • – Addressing Mental Health in the Black Community
  •– Giuliani Falsely Claims That Black People Kill More Police Than Vice Versa
  • – Black communities account for disproportionate number of COVID-19 deaths in the US, study finds
  • – Police: Sixth-leading cause of death for young Black men
  • – Do black Americans commit more crime?
  • – The statistical paradox of police killings
  • – Contacts Between Police and the Public, 2015 
  • – Black/African American
  • – Mood disorders
  • – Say It Loud! I’m Black and I’m Depressed
  • – Chronic Illness & Mental Health
  • – Types of Depression
  •– Living with Anxiety
  • – Anxiety Disorders
  •– Anxiety Disorders
  • – Is Anxiety a White-People Thing?
  •– Does depression increase the risk for suicide?
  • – Risk of being killed by police use of force in the United States by age, race-ethnicity, and sex
  • – Trauma and Dissociative Disorders Treatment
  •– This Is What Racial Trauma Does to the Body And Brain
  • – Dual Diagnosis: Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder
  • – 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: African Americans
  • – African Americans Face Unique Mental Health Risks
  • – Types of Mental Illness
  • – 10 Free and Low-Cost Therapy Resources for Black People and People of Color
  • – 2018 NSDUH Detailed Tables
  • – Legacy of Trauma: Context of the African American Existence
  • – How Can We Break Mental Health Barriers in Communities of Color?
  • – Changes in Health Coverage by Race and Ethnicity Since the ACA, 2010-2018
  • – ‘We’re losing our kids’: Black youth suicide rate rising far faster than for whites; coronavirus, police violence deepen trauma
  • – Depression in Black Americans
  • – The Association of Black Psychologists – Therapist Resource Directory
  • – Woman who woke up from surgery with hair braided by doctor makes the case for more Black physicians: ‘It can save lives’
  •– Mental Health Care for African Americans (Chapter 3: Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity: A Supplement to Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General) 

Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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